Emma's fundraiser for Sue Ryder in Memory of Benjamin Sykes

Emma Bray 18th May 2024


My dear friend Ben sadly died from cancer in July 2019 having lived with the disease courageously for 6 months. He spent 5 weeks in Sue Ryders Hospice at Leckhampton Court, which allowed him and his very young family to spend precious time together knowing he was receiving the specialist care he required.

Ben's wish was for his family and friends to raise a total of £17,000, which is roughly what it would have cost for a bed for 5 weeks. Today nearly 5 years later, the total fundraised in memory of this wonderful human that I am so blessed to be able to call my friend is £79,865!
I would love to be able to help get this total over the £80,000 mark, to allow more patients and their families to receive the specialist care and support they need both at the hospice and also for those wishing to stay at home.

So I will be completing various challenges this year. To kick things off on the 18th May I will be joining my cousin (one of the fabulous Sue Ryder Hospice at Home nurses) on a 20 mile hike, followed by a half marathon (date and event tbc) Starlight Hike and finally on the 01st December we’ll be taking part in the Big Dip.

Sue Ryder is here to make sure everyone approaching the end of their life or living with grief can access the support they need. There is no one size fits all when it comes to how we cope and the help we need, but with Sue Ryder's support, no one has to face dying or grief alone. They are there when it matters.
