Team Flip Flop - December Daily Dash

Samantha Sykes 1st December 2020 This event has closed


Running and fresh air is so important to mental health, and has certainly helped me through some tough times since I lost my Ben last year. But it's been more of a challenge then ever to keep this up over the last few months.

So Team Flip Flop is back for the dash. I've been joined by some wonderful new members. 

We're doing it to motivate, encourage and give each other a kick up the backside! 

To take time away from the screen, get out in the fresh air and get moving even as the nights draw darker.

It's a great way to commit to our own wellbeing and help ensure the hospice is there when it matters for families across Gloucestershire, like it was there for us last year. Their doctors, nurses and carers give people the compassion and expert care they need to help them live the best life they possibly can.

Thanks for all your support, 

Team Flip Flop x
